We arrived on Shelter Island yesterday afternoon for the Fourth of July weekend. Finally we’re having some nice weather! The boys headed straight for the pool when we got here. The water was too cold for me, but I was very happy to sit beside the pool reading magazines with my girlfriend Lisa while the boys played.
When evening rolled around, the boys got hungry and so did we. In the summertime, there’s nothing better than cooking dinner with friends while having a cocktail. My beverage of choice in the summer is usually a glass of ice cold white wine, but my sister Gail sent me this mojito recipe a week or so ago and I have been dying to try it ever since. On the way to Shelter Island we stopped at Costco, and I got a huge bag of limes. I have mint growing in the garden here, so we were all set. I don’t think I’ve ever had a mojito before; I had certainly never made one, so this was a nice (and successful) experiment.
They’re excellent when they’re really cold, so make sure you have plenty of ice on hand when you make them. The fresh lime juice and mint make them incredibly refreshing – a perfect summer drink. When you’re making them for a crowd, they’re a bit labor intensive, but I think they’re worth the effort.
Recipe from Fine Cooking Magazine, August 20036 large fresh spearmint leaves, plus 1 nice sprig for garnish
4 tsp. superfine sugar; more to taste
1 lime
Crushed ice as needed
2 fluid oz. (1/4 cup) light rum
Cold club soda as neededIn a tall, narrow (Collins) glass, mash the mint leaves into the sugar with a muddler or a similar tool (like the handle of a wooden spoon) until the leaves look crushed and the sugar starts to turn light green, about 30 seconds. Cut the lime into quarters. Squeeze the juice from all four quarters into the glass, dropping two of the squeezed quarters into the glass as you go. Stir with a teaspoon until the sugar dissolves into the lime juice. Fill the glass with crushed ice and pour the rum over the ice. Top off with club soda, stir well, garnish with the mint sprig, and serve right away.
Yield: 1 Mojito

I had my first mojito just the other day and am crazy about the flavor!
I’m so glad you tried it! Is your regular garden mint, spearmint?
I made them twice, once with peppermint and once with spearmint – I have both in the garden – I strongly preferred the spearmint.
I can attest to both the yummy-ness AND the labor intensity of these (though as a major kitchen-noob most ‘o these stylin’ recipes leave me faint :0)
These rated Epic Win! (mmmm)
Use blue agave syrup instead of sugar!
Much better!
Thanks for the tip. I’ll try that next time.