Because school just started for the boys, I thought I’d make them a nice healthy breakfast. I learned about Baked Oatmeal with Fruit from a friend who pinned the recipe to her Pintrest board. I adore oatmeal and I love the idea of baking it so you can make it in advance. I actually made a batch using a different recipe about a year ago and thought it was terrible. I couldn’t even finish it, and unfortunately it made a lot – a 9×13 baking dish worth. I was off baked oatmeal until I saw this recipe. Actually, the recipe I found on Pintrest had milk chocolate chips in it. I’m sure chocolate chips in oatmeal would be delicious, but I wanted to try a pure fruit version first.
This recipe was wonderful. This baked oatmeal is a perfect way to start your day. It’s hearty and not too sweet. If you like very sweet things for breakfast, you might want to top this with a little cinnamon and sugar, but I really enjoyed it just the way it was. The next time I make this (and there will definitely be a next time), I might try it with bananas and blueberries. Any kind of berry will work. I’ll also try to make it in a smaller pan/dish. I made this recipe in one of my big round baking dishes, which worked fine, but the baked oatmeal was about an inch high. Next time I’ll try an 8×8″ square baking pan. I’d like to see how it is a little thicker. I’m also going to try this with steel cut oats because I have some in my cabinet and one of my goals this fall is to eat through all of the food in my freezer and cabinets. I have lots of packages of half-used things (like pearl barley, farro, wheat berries, etc.) filling up my kitchen cabinets. My goal is to slowly but surely use them up.
I was able to make this easily, because I always have a couple of bananas in my freezer. I buy bananas, and if they don’t get eaten before their skin turns really brown, I toss them in the freezer. I then have really ripe bananas on hand for banana bread, banana bars, this baked oatmeal recipe, etc. To use a frozen banana, take it out of the freezer a couple of hours before you need it and put it on a plate. The banana will thaw, and will leave a lot of moisture on the plate. When you peel the banana, it will be a slimy mess, but it will be delicious in your recipe.
Oh, did the boys want any of my baked oatmeal? Nope. This time I wasn’t too upset. All the more for me.
Baked Oatmeal with Fruit
Recipe from Annie’s Eats, who found it in Super Natural Every Day by Heidi Swanson via The Curvy Carrot1 cup old fashioned rolled oats
1/4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans, lightly toasted, divided
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
Pinch of salt
1/4 cup maple syrup
1 cup milk
1 large egg, lightly beaten
2 Tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2-3 ripe bananas, peeled and sliced 1/2-inch thick
1 cup berries (fresh or frozen), dividedPreheat the oven to 375˚ F.
Lightly grease a 1.5-quart baking dish. In a medium bowl, combine the rolled oats, half of the nuts, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Stir with a fork to combine. In a liquid measuring cup, combine the maple syrup, milk, egg, butter, and vanilla. Spread the sliced bananas in a single layer over the bottom of the baking dish. Top with half of the berries. Sprinkle the dry oat mixture over the fruit in an even layer. Pour the liquid ingredients evenly over the oats. Sprinkle the remaining nuts and berries over the top. Bake for 35-40 minutes, until the top is browned and the oats have set. Let cool 10 minutes before serving. This keeps well in the refrigerator for a couple of days. I’ve been reheating mine in the microwave for breakfast.
Yield: 4 servings
One year ago: Chicken Tortilla Soup
Two years ago: Roasted Red Peppers with Basil Oil
Three years ago: Grandmother Paula’s Sour Cream Pound Cake
Four years ago: Skillet Shrimp and Rice

I freeze a lot of bananas too and find it easiest if I peel them first.
What a great idea Donna. Thanks for sharing it.