Found another great recipe on I know that I’ve said this before, but Smitten Kitchen is a great blog if you’re not familiar with it.
Made a batch of these for our friends from Atlanta and they were a big hit. The kids really enjoyed them as well. A couple of my boys only ate them after they picked off the ‘green stuff’, but overall this recipe is a winner. I really enjoyed the combination of sweet and salty and they made a great mid-afternoon snack. They were especially good warm from the oven.
I love that these don’t contain yeast, so you don’t have to wait for them to rise. You can mix these up in a matter of minutes. My dough was ready before my oven was preheated! This is a very flexible recipe. You can play with both the cheese and the herbs. You can also choose whether you want them sweet or not by playing with the honey. I might try some maple syrup next time.
Crisp Flatbread with Honey, Thyme and Sea Salt
Recipe found on SmittenKitchen.com1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon table salt
1/2 cup water
1/3 cup olive oil
2/3 to 3/4 cup grated Mahon cheese (I used grated Parmesan and they were wonderful!)
1/3 to 1/2 cup honey
1 tablespoon fresh thyme (I used lemon thyme because I had some on hand)
Flaky sea salt such as MaldonPreheat oven to 450°F with a heavy baking sheet or pizza stone on a middle rack.
Whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt in a medium bowl. Make a well in center, then add water and oil and gradually stir into flour with a wooden spoon until a dough forms. Knead dough gently on a work surface 4 or 5 times. It will feel quite oily.
Divide dough into 4 pieces and roll out 1 piece at on a sheet of parchment paper into a longish irregular rustic shape; about 12″x6″. The dough should be rolled thin and it be very oily.
Slide rolled out dough and parchment paper together onto the preheated baking sheet or stone, and bake about 5 minutes, until lightly golden. Leaving the oven on, remove tray from oven and quickly sprinkle with 1/4 of grated cheese. Bake an additional 3 to 4 minutes, until browned at edges and in thinner spots. Remove flatbread from oven a final time, quickly drizzle each with honey (~ 1 tablespoon per flatbread), sprinkle with sea salt and garnish with thyme leaves. Cut each cracker width-wise into 4 sections (about 3″x6″ each) with a sharp knife. Repeat with remaining pieces of dough. Serve warm.
Should you want to prepare these ahead of time, bake them including the cheese about 1 minute less than needed. Shortly before you’re ready to serve them, re-toast them in the oven and then drizzle on the honey/thyme/sea salt.
Yield: ~16 pieces of flatbread