Frozen grapes are one of my favorite summertime treats. Actually, I love them year round, but they’re particularly refreshing on a hot summer afternoon.
I love a good bowl of ice cream for dessert after dinner, but believe it or not, my sweet tooth can be satisfied by eating a pile of these grapes instead. If you love ice cream as much as I do, you probably don’t believe me, but you should give it a shot. They’re much healthier than ice cream, and really can be as satisfying. I’ve been known to eat ice cream until I feel sick. It’s hard to do that with a bowl of frozen grapes. You can’t eat them nearly as quickly as unfrozen grapes, and each one is like a little Italian ice. Yum!
Frozen Grapes
Bunch of red seedless grapes
Rinse the grapes. If your bunch of grapes is particularly large, cut it into smaller bunches for individual servings. Put rinsed grapes into a bowl. Put the bowl in the freezer for several hours. Eat and enjoy!

Interesting. It’s so simple that I feel the need to slap my forehead in a why-didn’t-I-think-of-this-before manner. They look lovely, and I’m going to try it this weekend. Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful picture. They actually look really good! I’ll definitely try it out. Thanks!
these look so great! i’m a fan of frozen bananas, which you have to sort of gnaw at until they get a little less chilled. what are the grapes like? i imagine they’d be totally frozen solid, but you say italian ice? so you can chew or bite them?
Yes, you have been known to eat ice cream until you are sick 😉 I love frozen grapes, both red & green. The picture of the grapes is fantastic!
Ali – You can definitely chew and bite into frozen red grapes. They have a wonderful consistency when they’re frozen. The don’t freeze solid like an ice cube, they are more like a popsicle or an Italian ice. They’re so easy, you should try them.
Fantastic picture.I like it.
Funny, I just had these last week. The idea was introduced to me a few months ago when they were served poolside at a hotel in Scottsdale, AZ. They’re great!
i adore frozen grapes, it’s like candy only actually good for you! my mother taught me this trick when i was kid and now that i’m watching the sweets i put in my mouth, *this* is the only thing that keeps my cravings at bay. 🙂
My favorite snack! I take a sandwich bag of rinsed grapes to work almost everyday. I then pop them in the freezer there as soon as I arrive and around 2pm when I feel the need for a snack I pull these little treats out and yum yum! They satisfy my need for crunch and my sweet tooth at the same time.
once i saw a cartoon in the new yorker about genetically modified foods. The cartoon showed little bite sized watermelons that you could just pop into your mouth and were a burst of flavor. i wanted those little watermelons so bad… but these look like delightful little bursts of flavor too!
Um I am a bit confused. Does there really need to be a recipe for this?
Omg i love these! i make them with a honey glaze to! in a bag just spare grapes with about 3 tble spoons honey and in frezzer for round 7 h! Grate pic btw. 🙂
You lost me at “Put rinsed grapes into bowl”. Do you mean BBQ or…?
That’s a lovely photo. Thanks for the inspiration. I’ll have to try this soon.
Thanks for the kind words Kat!